
Archive for the ‘Pyramid’ Category


In Pyramid on February 4, 2009 at 11:14 am



When we were small, we used to assemble wooden blocks to establish a building, but have we ever thought of building up a 100-meter high building like these Egyptian Pyramids? How do we build up the building with huge bricks weighing 100 tons each? These grand and marvelous building structures are amazing and their establishments constitute myths and legendary rumors until now.


In North Africa, there are 80 blocks of such pyramids scattered around the Egypt’s Nile River, which have become one of the most miraculous places in the world. The highest pyramid called Cheops Pyramid and it was build by overlapping pile of boulders together. In the making of pyramids, Egyptians were not using any adhesive, glue or nails to attach the pile of boulders and one could even hardly find cracks or gaps  among the rocks or stones from the overlapping plot. 

Nevertheless, the structure is extremely firm and strong that the sharp blades or swords could not even pass through. In addition, Egyptian Pyramids have experiencing 5,000 years of strong wind’s erosions and yet these artifacts are remained not touch by the nature. They appeared to stand alone like warriors in the desert. These towering pyramids are such spectacular and superior buildings human had ever made on the Earth.